Tips To Be More Attentive In The Class Room

Tips To Be More Attentive In The Class Room

You want to learn, you want to listen to your teacher and you want to absorb all that information in class but it’s just so boring how many times were you asked to pay attention. Staying attentive in a class is important to grasp thoroughly the contents of what the teacher says. Classroom learning is given prime importance for the academic success of students, being attentive in the classroom is imperative to your academic success no matter how much or how well you study at home. If you miss out on the important content your teacher delivers in class then you are setting yourself up for failure come this time. If you pay attention in class you may be surprised by how much you can cut your study time later on. Fortunately, with a few proven concentration technics and tips you can learn to master the art of paying attention in the classroom, like with most things in school intakes work and determination but once you build the skill, you will be happy that you put the effort. Let's see the tips to stay attentive to even the hardest of classes. 

      1. Practice Active Listening and take notes 

there are two types of listening, active listening and passive listening. When you are daydreaming in the class you are passive listening, you hear the words you partially process them but you probably won’t remember. To avoid that take notes this enhances your attention, it is better to dot down some points the lecture in a book during the class, arbitrate to write down important points, writing down your own notes will help you to learn the material and solidify your understanding in a way more effective. Taking notes helps you to actually remember what you are only partly processing and by taking notes force to transition in to actively listening and you will remember it better on your own. Overall, this habit helps to stay attentive in class.

2.  Sit in the front section of the class  

Try to find seat in the front row, this is very vital and hence you see competitive students or the toppers trying to occupy front seats, those sitting in back benches have an option to be less attentive due to many reasons like lack of teacher’s concentration on them or decrease inaudibility of teacher’s voice and lecture, even backbenchers have to put more effort than those sitting in front seats to hear the lecture so, they may get tired  and bored with the class. So it is advisable to stay seated in the front rows of the class for better attention.   

3. Try to look into the eyes of the teacher  

This is the second best criteria, many teachers try to focus on the students who look into their eyes during the lecture. So this makes the lecture or even the class more interactive between the student and the teacher and hence students can have better attention.   

4. Participate in class

 Try to involve yourself with the class, most professors wanted ask questions and answer them during class, when you are asking doubts you don’t know or understand is necessary just don’t hesitate to do so, this way of involving yourself with conversing with teacher, the interactive learning help to pay more attention but, participating regularly might just get you a boost in your grade with some teacher’s tool so it’s really worth your time to do it.

5. Think about the importance of the class

Think how important is that class for you, if you feel a particular class is vital for your career, exam and upgrowth attention increases. When you ponder you will automatically start being attentive in class. Think about how you can double your grades and scores from the last exam and so forth. You will be self-motivated when you think about these things.

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