The Mantra Of Life Is To Know Yourself
The Mantra Of Life Is To Know Yourself
With time, the experience turns us Wiser and Bitter, when most of us are battling in our lives, comparisons are pretty irrelevant between individuals as everyone goes through a different situation in life. Background and capabilities always differ with every individual. The wisdom we gain over time tells us to stop comparing. we ourself is the only person with whom we should compare ourselves. The lack of understanding of this concept grows bitterness in society. The tendency to compare needs to work on.
For our own well being, we should stop comparing with other's failure and success. You might be the most successful than the rest of your friends or in your family but still, you could be the most unhappy or unsatisfied, because we focus on them who are ahead of us.
Envy is the biggest sin of all and the strongest enemy, it takes us to the worst situations because it distracts us from our own self. We should always try to give our best and learn from our mistakes, if you fall on your face then also you will come one step ahead. Spend your time and energy to do better. If someone is performing really good, encourage and applaud them. also, try to learn from them how they managed to do so. Competition is good, it helps us to measure our calibre and push us to improve but don't let it bring us down. we also need to train our brain to except failure.
We have to critically analyse ourselves, needs to understand from which background we come, what are our responsibilities, most importantly the capabilities within us. if you are considered special by society remember that it won't translate with your life. Stop measuring yourself against others. Do a SWOT analysis with yourself. Be real, be true to yourself. the realization of power within and our uniqueness will lead to a better life.
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